Directed by Zoe Bysal
Produced by Audrey Rickman and Marshall Degenhardt

Tavla is an animated short about a stray cat named Kedi befriending a young boy over a game of tavla, also known as backgammon. As they bond over time until he is suddenly swept away by the Aegean Sea. It’s up to her to win one dangerous, live-saving game of tavla to bring him back.

Visual Development

During the development of Tavla, I was primarily tasked with pre-production with my team. A lot of the work for the environments of the film were passed around, so I was primarily tasked to clean and line backgrounds along with character designs. I have also contributed by creating our second promotional poster for the film.


I helped thumbnailed and storyboarded the film along with the director herself.
I was tasked on boarding Act 2 of the film.


Even though I was assigned to work on storyboards, me and my team all collectively jumped in to help assist in animation in order to finish the film in time. It was a wonderful collaborative experience that I will never forget, as we were all willing to branch out of our initial roles and do our best to make this film come to fruition.

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Bug Burger (2022)